
  • Important Information

    Important Information

    The Peruvian community will protest by blocking a major mining road used by MMG’s Las Bambas copper mine after negotiations with the Andean national government failed, a 1, community leader said Monday.Cotabambas Defense Front Chairman Victor Limaypuma said the blockade will proceed indefin...
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  • Machinery and metallurgy industry

    Machinery and metallurgy industry

    In addition to the large amount of copper used in motors, circuits, oil pressure systems, air pressure systems and control systems, various transmissions and fixtures, such as liner, connectors, fasteners, gears, twisting parts, etc., need to be reduced and lubricated with copper or copper alloy....
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  • Energy and petrochemical industries

    Energy and petrochemical industries

    The main condenser tube plates and condensing tubes of energy industrial thermal power plants are made of brass, bronze or white copper. Solar heaters are also often made from copper pipes. Petrochemical industrial copper and many copper alloys are used in the manufacture of containers, piping sy...
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  • Electronics


    Electric vacuum devices such as high-frequency and UHF transmitters, transconductors, magnetrons, etc., require high-purity oxygen-free copper and dispersion-reinforced oxygen-free copper. Copper printed circuits require a large amount of copper foil and copper-based brazing materials. Copper is ...
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  • Power industry

    Power industry

    Power transmissions such as wire cables, transformers, switches, plug-in elements and connectors, motor manufacturing such as styluses, rotors, shaft heads and hollow conductors, and communication cables and residential electrical wiring also require a large number of copper wires
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  • Important Information

    Important Information

    The Peruvian community will protest by blocking a major mining road used by MMG’s Las Bambas copper mine after negotiations with the Andean national government failed,a 1,community leader said Monday.Cotabambas Defense Front Chairman Victor Limaypuma said the blockade will proceed indefinit...
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