Machinery and metallurgy industry

In addition to the large amount of copper used in motors, circuits, oil pressure systems, air pressure systems and control systems, various transmissions and fixtures, such as liner, connectors, fasteners, gears, twisting parts, etc., need to be reduced and lubricated with copper or copper alloy. Metallurgical equipment in the key components of continuous casting technology – crystallizers, mostly using chromium copper, silver copper and other high-strength and high thermal copper alloy manufacturing, electrometallurgy vacuum arc furnace and electric slag furnace water-cooled crucibles using copper pipe manufacturing, a variety of induction heating induction coils are made of copper pipe or special-shaped copper pipe winding, water cooling. Alloy additive copper is an important addition element in alloys such as steel and aluminum. A small amount of copper added to the steel used in low alloy structure can improve the strength of steel and resistance to atmospheric and marine corrosion. Adding copper to corrosion-resistant cast iron and stainless steel further enhances their corrosion resistance.

Post time: Nov-11-2021